Current as of 1st January 2021
Please note this plan is subject to change at any time to comply with state-based restrictions.
Gumnut Music is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers as well as clients, visitors and members of the public.
We advise families that they should NOT ATTEND Gumnut Music classes if they:
- have a confirmed case of COVID-19. You cannot attend Gumnut Music classes until you are medically cleared to return.
- have close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. You cannot attend Gumnut Music classes for 14 days since the last contact with the confirmed case.
- are unwell or have flu-like symptoms including a cough, high temperature, running nose or sore throat. If you or your child present with any of these symptoms, you will be asked to leave the class.
Staff will stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days if they are unwell or have any flu-like symptoms or if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Hand Sanitiser will be provided for use on entry and exit.
- Cough/sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and immediately throw away.
- The sharing of equipment will be limited.
- Equipment will be cleaned before, between and after classes.
- We recommend only one parent/caregiver to attend classes. We will be enforcing this in accordance with local state and territory guidance.
- We recommend NOT to bring siblings where possible.
- Where possible different entry & exit points will be utilised and there will be a break between classes.
- Class sizes will be capped to ensure the 4sqm rule is met.
- Parents/caregivers must practise social distancing at all times.
- Parents/caregivers will be encouraged to assist with helping children follow the social distancing rules. (Children do not fall under conventional social distancing rules.)
- Some aspects of our classes will be modified to follow social distancing.
- Parents/caregivers will be required to sign in on attending each class. This can be done manually or via the provided QR code.
- Parents/caregivers are encouraged to wear masks where possible. When restrictions allow, face masks may be removed for singing during class.
If anyone attending our classes tests positive to COVID-19 they are to immediately inform the Gumnut Music on 0481 865 454 or
All attendees at that class will then be notified via email of the confirmed COVID-19 case and the next steps.
Attendance records will be provided to authorities if requested.