About Us
Professional music education

We are made up of Early Years Education Specialist Louise, Graphic Designer Andrew and two littles E and O.
We’re on a mission to help families and educators Master Musical Play. You can join us in person or online.
If you’re browsing our online store, our collection has been curated by Louise herself who is qualified in both early years education and music. Local pickup is available.
Located in Malvern East in Melbourne, Australia.
Our Director & Founder
Louise is the Founding Director of Gumnut Music. For over twelve years she has been working as both a Musician and Early Years Educator. Equally passionate about these two industries her qualifications include a Diploma of Children’s Services and a Bachelor of Music (Voice). Louise has enjoyed a diverse and rewarding career teaching and performing across a variety of settings in both Melbourne, Australia and London, England. Her transition into motherhood has offered a deeper layer of learning and prospective to her practise.

“Louise’s voice is like an angel that captivates the kids’ attention as well as the parents, and when I heard her voice for the first time, I thought to myself I have found the right music teacher for Indra!”
Kerry – East Malvern
Experience Gumnut Music
Trial classes are available for families to come and experience the fun and excitement of our music and movement classes. Book your place easily and quickly with our online form.