
Category: Tounge Twisters

Eve Eats Easter Eggs

Children are never too young to enjoy and play with tongue twisters! They are a literacy workout that builds foundational reading skills, challenges enunciation and draws attention to the individual sounds in words. In addition to this impressive learning, they develop their foundational reading skills when children have fun with tongue twisters. Featured Resources

Red Leather, Yellow Leather

Children are never too young to enjoy and play with tongue twisters! They are a literacy workout that builds foundational reading skills, challenges enunciation and draw attention to the individual sounds in words. In addition to this impressive learning, when children have fun with tongue twisters, they build their foundational reading skills. Featured Products

We Surely Shall See the Sunshine Soon

Tongue twisters are a fun way to strengthen the muscles involved in speech and singing. Warming up in this way leads to more precise pronunciation, clearer speech patterns and can highlight any problem areas that require focus. We are helping the brain to connect tongue movements to sounds. I’ve included some props into this learning…

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Tongue twisters are a fun way to strengthen the muscles involved in speech and singing. Warming up in this way leads to more precise pronunciation, clearer speech patterns and can highlight any problem areas that require focus. We are helping the brain to connect tongue movements to sounds. I’ve included some props into this learning…

Black Back Bat

Download Resources Tongue Twister Flash Card

A Slippery Snake
