

Wiggly Woo

Do you have a worm-loving child? Or a child who loves to wiggle? Wiggly Woo is a charming song that sparks a love for our worm friends and celebrates all things wiggles. The simple play I share is intended to inspire the imagination and encourage active listening. It’s a simple play for all ages. 

Wind The Bobbin Up!

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Steeple Bells

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Dingle Dangle Scarecrow


Knock at the Door

Lyrics Knock at the door,Peep in,Lift the latch,And walk in.“How do you doMr Chinney chin chin?”

Down by the Bay


Ring-a-Ring o’ Roses


Tiny Tim


Inanay (Australian)

This beautiful lullaby originates from the Torres Strait Islanders and is sung in Yorta Yorta, the language of one of the Aboriginal Communities. ⁣There is no official translation of the lyrics but research suggests it tells the story of shooing a goanna away with a ‘choo’. ⁣ The actions in this song provide the opportunity for…

Lovely Bubbles

Bubbles are a sensory experience that provides a bunch of learning for children. They provide visual tracking and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills and language opportunities. I wrote this bubble song to add numeracy learning to that list. You can sing the song for numeracy exposure for young children and focus on…