Tag: crossing the midline
Here’s a Cup
Have you heard of crossing the midline? It is an invisible line down your body separating your left from your right and children need to learn how to cross this line. In addition, play that promotes children performing an activity on the opposite side of their body helps with bilateral coordination – which is essential…
Put a Spot Over Here
This playful and fun song is bursting with opportunities to learn and grow. You can switch up the lyrics as you please to target new language whilst also working on the fundamental skill of crossing the midline. Crossing the midline happens when a child reaches across their body instead of changing hands. By teaming this…
Make Tume Tume Papa (Swahili)
This African working song from Mozambique has many variations and is traditionally played as a hand clap game by a group. I have chosen to explore the song using calves so we can feel the 2/4 pulse whilst also working on the important early year’s skill of crossing the midline. Lyrics Swahili Make tume tume…