Tag: horse
Mini Class – The Great Outdoors
Join E and I on an outdoor adventure! We’ll take a windy path…but where will it lead? We’ll undoubtedly meet some animal friends along the way for some dancing, counting and instrument playing! Here is a music and movement session to inspire the imagination and get your little one moving. Featured Products
Humpty Dumpty – Part 2
In part one of Humpty Dumpty, we explore the nursery rhyme as an instrumental song. Now it’s time to discover three more ways to play. Each layer of play adds deeper understanding and meaning to the literature. Our first play explores dramatic and imaginative play while our parent and child play ideas focus on adult…
Mini Class – Down on the Farm
Come travel downstream with E and I – just watch out for the crocodile! We’re off to visit farmyard friends. Get ready to gallop with the horses, make some farm yard sounds and sing the classic song Old MacDonald as a songbook. Featured Products