
Tag: Instrument

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Come learn the three notes that make up the song Rain, Rain. By studying the Solfege of a song we help set children up for success in their music education. Solfege is a great tool for learning and understanding music as children are able to identify the relationship between notes and patterns in melodies.  Featured Products

Meet Ti-Ti Ta Ti-Ti Shh

You’ve met the notes, now put them together! Our rhythms use the Kodály method and are designed for young children. Even the smallest child can develop their ear training skills and learn to master rhythms quickly using this method. We’re not so much focused on the playing of the instrument, but the speech and verbal rhythm your…

5 Little Triangles

This poem teaches children how to produce a variety of ‘ringing sounds’ from a triangle in addition to presenting, numeracy, timbre (sound quality), tempo (speed) and dynamics (volume). We’re also working to build memory and promote active listening. Once you have learnt the poem, recite it for your children’s ensuring to leave room for them…

See-saw Sacradown

Come play along with our Boomwhackers on any melodic instrument using the notes G and D.  This simple song aids language development by presenting the natural sounds and patterns in speech. When we combine our song with actions we stimulate the brain and help muscle development. 

Meet Too Ti-Ti Ti-Ti

Download Resources Traceable Rhythm

Kaeru No Uta Ga (Japanese)

Kaeru No Uta Ga, otherwise known as the Japanese Frog Song is a firm favourite in this house! Bilingual experiences in early childhood have been linked to improved cognitive abilities and problem-solving. ⁣The repetition of the “Gwa” lyric is the perfect invitation for little ones to sing along with you and by adding instruments to…

Funga Alafia (Nigerian)


I Hear Thunder

I hear thunder is a play infused with active listening, yet it is balanced with free expression moments to give children the space to be themselves. Active listening can be difficult for children to master and therefore requires practice and patience. Incorporating it into play is essential in the early years as it helps children…