
Ukulele with Baby

Ukulele with Baby is a 2.5 hour adult only workshop for parents and educators designed to help you master musical play with the children in your care.


Parent or educator, this workshop is for you if:

  • You’ve always wanted to learn an instrument.
  • You want to get the most out of your musical moments with your child.
  • You want a “go-to” resource filled with the perfect songs for early childhood.
  • You’re keen to make your daily routine more effortless using music.
  • You’re ready to learn from a music educator with over 13 years of experience.

“Ukulele with baby really helped me as a mother understand the why to supporting this learning for my two boys.”

– Louisa

What’s included:

  • A 2-hour workshop with Gumnut Music Founder, Louise Lindsay. Louise has over 13 years of experience in early years education.
  • A hard copy booklet that contains:
    • An overview of the philosophies of music education.
    • An introduction to reading ukulele tablature.
    • The chords and/or tabs to over 20 early years songs.
    • Ideas and tips on how to deliver songs playfully to children
    • Props, puppets and instrument demonstrations and ideas.
    • Tips for incorporating music into your daily routine.
  • Downloadable video recordings of all the music presented.
  • A special 15% off code to our store filled with songbooks, puppets and instruments. We’ll bring resources to the event so you can try them before you buy.

I keep these workshops super intimate. There are only 6 spots in each!

What You’ll Walk Away With:

  • A comprehensive hard-copy booklet that includes:
    * Ukulele basics
    * Chords and tabs for 20+ beloved early years songs.
    * Tips and ideas to deliver songs playfully and confidently.

  • Downloadable video demonstrations to take home.

  • Hands-on practice and instruction during the lesson.

  • A 15% discount for our online store

  • Confidence to make collaborative music with your child or students.

We offer onsite workshops for small groups. Click here to request details.

Find a new passion and share the benefits with the little loves of your life.